As would Albert Einstein said, if I could ride on electromagnetic wave….we would reach the closest star for about four years, too slow… There must be another way of traveling through three dimensional space. Or The Great Creator would just leave us to paradoxically watch the beauties of space from far? Logical? I do not think so.
If we compare the speeds of movement of humans couple of centuries ago and today, and if we assume proportional increase of that speed in future… after couple of centuries we will be very fast, but still not enough fast to conquer the Universe distances. So there must be another way, because I am sure our journey leads us to the stars, far deep to the Universe.
Transformation of matter into energy and vice versa may help…so our bodies to transfer into another space spot just in portions of a second. Maybe the help of some fifth dimension may bring us to Andromeda in a moment…
Probably the humans have just begun with the miraculous and amazing discoveries…