Monday, March 1, 2010

Looking for The Great Creator

We as humans have strong need to look for The Great Creator or in “human terminology” called a God. That is same as discovering the Universe. Think of electromagnetic field…you cannot explicitly see it or describe it but you can sense the effects of its existence. Electromagnetic waves spread into vacuum invisibly while transferring energy and information. We as living life form cannot detect them unless we use technical devices. In the same way we cannot perceive the actuality of The Great Creator but we can observe the effects of its existence.

The actuality of the Universe is unarguable fact of the creator’s existence. I believe we are still not at satisfactory level of evolutional development to directly detect that superpower. I believe that there are more dimensions than four in which we as humans operate and exist. New physics or parapsychology will probably lead us to next answers.

All of these are guesses. As Immanuel Kant would agree, the only way to broaden our knowledge out of our experience is to guess and suppose. That’s how we push the knowledge limit. It’s like giving a direction to science where to take over.