Monday, March 1, 2010

Looking for The Great Creator

We as humans have strong need to look for The Great Creator or in “human terminology” called a God. That is same as discovering the Universe. Think of electromagnetic field…you cannot explicitly see it or describe it but you can sense the effects of its existence. Electromagnetic waves spread into vacuum invisibly while transferring energy and information. We as living life form cannot detect them unless we use technical devices. In the same way we cannot perceive the actuality of The Great Creator but we can observe the effects of its existence.

The actuality of the Universe is unarguable fact of the creator’s existence. I believe we are still not at satisfactory level of evolutional development to directly detect that superpower. I believe that there are more dimensions than four in which we as humans operate and exist. New physics or parapsychology will probably lead us to next answers.

All of these are guesses. As Immanuel Kant would agree, the only way to broaden our knowledge out of our experience is to guess and suppose. That’s how we push the knowledge limit. It’s like giving a direction to science where to take over.


  1. Well, since we are using about 10% of our brain, the logic is that we would understand as much about the surrounding, more or less.
    Unless a machine is build to develop our brains, or a boom in evolution will occur, we will always be questioning the same questions and giving multiple similar answers based on guesses and supposes.

  2. Very good point about understanding only the 10% of the surrounding!
    And we should have only logical guesses and supposes based on facts. Based on logical guesses we make hypothesis and afterward science make them proven theories.

  3. The Great Creator must exist I agree. At some point evolution will lead us there.

  4. Our mind is so limited and dont know if i poses the ability to denay your opinion, or stay in that line with my words. Its like searching the light in the darkness, like choosing between fruit parfume and sweet one.
    Тhough, the point of the post is good. Maja you made me think.

  5. I really like this with perfume...

  6. There are definitely extra dimensions - I read an article about this a tNew Scientist. It's been 'proven' by science and maths already.

    Also so new tests at a giant colider in USA (I think) just collided two gold atoms together at great speed, and they found results they'd never predicted and it seems there are other states for particles which could lead to other dimensions etc.

    Maybe the creator is living in a dimension we can't detect yet.

  7. Well contact thank you for sharing this information with us.

  8. As humans we are taught from a very early age that we are small and insignificant and play very little part in our creation. We a taught that everything that happens is a result of circumstances and probabilities outside our own control. These beliefs are delivered through the media, the government, not necessarily because they are true, but because everyone else believes them to be true, hence they must all be right. Consequently we are taught that the creator must be something entirely separate from us...perhaps a deity or idol that we should worship through some type of human ritual, like prayer or sacrifice. This provides a strong mechanism to keep religious organisations wealthy and keeps the humans kind of plastic-like and easy to manipulate through brainwashing. Further to the point, by having a physical body in a physical universe we are constantly preoccupied with the need to survive. As a result the need to survive dominates all other agendas and everything else becomes secondary to survival, hence any quest to find the true creator is rapidly dampened and we often live in this somewhat humble and asleep state of mind...always looking for something and never really finding any true satisfaction. Some may have been deluded to think that it was children and having a family that would fill that gap. After they had to take care of their survival needs and had less time for themselves, they soon realised that the answer was not there? Something was still missing? The creator the connection to the true source?

    So where is this creator? Why did it deceive me? Why am I all alone in this world? What is going to happen when I die?

    So what is the creator? Do you know what you are looking for? Do you think you are conscious enough to comprehend what the creator could be? Do you think you could guess or suppose this? Do you think you would get the answer by reading a book or believing something that someone told you?
    The only way you can experience this is to find out for yourself. The times that I have felt closer to my own creator were times when I had done a lot of meditation. I cannot tell you what you should experience. Only you can find this out. I could recommend perhaps using some binaural beat soundtracks to lower your brain activity and synchronise the two hemispheres of the brain, but then there are many ways to meditate. This is where the answer was for me.

  9. Hi Maja. I wanted to include a short chapter from one of my favourite bookd by Robert Monroe. These are some of the conclusions that he came to after many profound experiences beyond the body: P-62-63 Ultimate Journey, 1994:

    "Looking again at the Earth Life System, we see that the underlying competition theme seems to be a product of the command to survive. Each and every living unit competes for the basics of physical survival: food, water, oxygen, warmth,
    and sunlight. Often this translates into living space, on and in the ground, in the water, in the air. We have various names for this: territorial imperative, room, home, lair, den, hunting preserve, personal property, real estate, cities, nations. Lifeforms fight for these, and die for them.
    Set against this is the delicate assignment of living space on the basis of capability. Each species can survive only in its appropriate environment. In water and air, the system remained in fair balance with the food chain operating efficiently,
    often to the point where changes became no more than a small shift or tune-up. On land, however, the balance was harder to sustain. Hence the variety of life-forms evolved more rapidly, with impressive ingenuity being used to solve the problems of replication and survival.
    Now my baseline, where I am operating from at this time, included the following points.

    1. On entry into the Earth Life System, each life-form is imprinted, probably through DNA, with a prime directive: survive!
    This is the underlying drive behind every action taken by the participants. The goal is survival of the species, expressed first as survival of the individual unit. This directive is geared specifically and limited to physical existence, with no other implications. Success equals physical survival. Failure equals nonsurvival or physical nonexistence—death. Fear equals the possibility of nonsurvival.

    2. The Earth Life System is impersonal in that each life-form competes with all others for life-maintaining nutrients. This competition takes place both between species and within the species itself. Cooperation among and within species is standard operating procedure; the system often forces cooperation as a necessity for survival. The whole is a system of predation.

    3. Any awareness not related to physical survival is denigrated. Any emotion expressed is an aberration as it does not relate to the prime survival directive. Fear is not treated as an emotion.

    4. The basic pattern of the system is change. Stasis is entropy. Entropy is death. Thus imbalance is constant, which creates a steady adaptive response at all levels. Polarization or differential is an integral force at work throughout the system. For our Different Overview, the Earth Life System is seen as a food chain predator system, although it is rarely accepted as such. It may appear chaotic and complex, but it is organized and operates under a few simple rules:

    Grow and exist as long as you can.
    Get what you need to exist.
    Maintain your species by reproducing.

    There are no limitations or conditions in applying these rules. Strength, speed, deception, sharp sensory awareness and response, all are great assets. Symbiosis and parasitic patterns are highly acceptable. Honor, ethics, empathy, and the like are nonexistent. Every participant is a predator and the process cannot be altered or changed as long as the Earth Life System exists. Survival is difficult if not impossible without predatory action."

  10. In ancient time, people believed in many Gods and other superior creatures, nowadays there are so many religions and not all of them are centered around The Great Creator, we don’t know what people will believe in future, but I am sure that they need to believe in something so they can feel safe. I believe there is a higher power but I also believe that everything has a scientific explanation I just hope that CERN will finally prove how did the beginning of the world happen, and shed a light on the biblical meaning of creating the world ...

  11. Everything has scientific explanation, yes. We call it superpower because we still didn't find the scientific explanation for it not that it does not exist. What is important here is to stress that Faith and Science can work together...

  12. Looking for the "Great Creator"...

    My views on this 'question' require the addition of the letter 's' to the word 'Creator'. For I believe that the world as we know it, and as it continues to develop, is the result of the work of multiple creators... and I am not talking about 'God' here. I think this term, and its association with a single creator, is man made. All religions, for which I have respect but no preference, centre their ideologies around a 'God' figure... That is fine, as it provides strong believers with a 'safe mind zone'... when something dramatic happens, or when something we cannot logically (or emotionally) explain happens, strong believers find the safe and comforting thought, that it was God's action... and there is nothing that the "created followers" can do about it... It works for believers, and their lives become more peaceful somehow.

    Back to my added 's' ... How about viewing this world/life as a work of many creators who actually live the life and exist physically in this world... Adaptation (evolution for some), is what brought 'beings' to where and what they are now... and it is this mechanism that will continue this life long after we (on this blog) have gone... Adaptation... certainly requires creativity... 'beings' include humans, animals, plants, insects...etc. Each species is amazingly adaptive and creative... otherwise they would have been extinct!... The creators that I refer to are: You and I, the little jasmine plant, and the hardworking ant.

    All beings are creators, and their combined creative work is so awsome to comprehend by us, that we humans intend to look for a single super creator to give the credit to. May be we should not look too hard, and too mystic and far,... just look around while sitting in a forest somewhere in the Spring season, nowadays actually,... watch those 'beings' that we always overlook... when I do, I see many great creators.

  13. Being human is a bit strange and on rare occasions while we are not striving to go about out everyday survival rituals and maintain out physical body, occasionally the quest for a greater truth may come to the surface of our awareness.
    Many humans find some degree of satisfaction in seeking the creator by subscribing to a religion, doctrine, or a set of belief, dogma or rituals that another human or a group of humans have about such a creator. That particular group may condemn beliefs and experiences that are outside of the scope of their particular set of belief systems or use fear-based protocols to keep followers of their belief from generating their own beliefs or finding their own truth through their own experience. Such beliefs usually mandate subscribing to that particular set of beliefs for some sort of afterlife reward or being cast out and suffering some type of consequence. Most of such groups involve accepting someone else’s belief about the creator by a means of faith, hence it may not really be true knowledge or knowing what is true for one self. This is only pseudo-knowledge, or ‘accepted on faith’ knowledge, which aims to temporarily reduce their own anxiety and fear about such a creator and fit into the group. Such beliefs may also assume that the creator is a vast and superior being, which whom is very separate from us and must demand some type of worship. But when you think about it, then if that god was powerful enough to create us, then why would it require worship? You would think it suffered from some type of insecurity? It certainly would not be loving us unconditionally, because of the set of complex conditions imposed.
    True knowledge is a different paradigm and should come about from having your own personal experience and knowing what is real, rather than just accepting someone else’s belief. One of the tools that is available that allows you to have your own experience is meditation, which aims to allow yourself to know yourself a bit better, by exploring the unconscious internal world. By exploring one self better, one could realise the creator better? It is just a thought and also biased by my own beliefs abd experiences, hence something else might be right your you? But it is up to you to discover that.
    Most of us are a product of out pre-existing beliefs and cultural biases and generally unable to see the bigger picture, of what lies beyond. This comes about from needing to survive in the physical world. The current limitation of Western Science also mandates that all that exists is constrained to time-space and physical matter reality and has no room for a creator. Western science is however based on the objective results of cause and effect. That is if I do something, then something else will result. There is a paradox when you go back to the beginning of the universe and you have something that was created from nothing? Then science falls in a heap, because it cannot answer a very basic question.

  14. Great Dom, lets hope that this time it will not be erased.....

  15. Guessing and supposing would seem to imply finding ‘something to believe in’ because you don’t know. It is alright not to know, in fact it is often helpful to treat such ideas with open minded skepticism, until you are able to validate objectively through your own experience what is real for you. If you just ‘guess of suppose’ something then you are jumping to conclusions, based on your existing beliefs and cultural biases that may or may not be correct. This means to short-cut finding the ‘real answer’, by guessing only aims to deny the existence of ignorance and to sugar-coat fears and anxieties.
