Friday, April 2, 2010

Journey after life

Psychiatrists say that two things terrify us: insanity and death. In these cases we are losing the control of our minds, so the mind is the one who is sending us the message of fear. Have you ever thought what the death would be if there wasn’t the fear of losing control?

Our brain is created to wonder, to seek for discoveries but not to willingly accept its death. So death is end of the brain, end of our body. All our primary memories are written in our brains so they go away with death too. But is it all? I believe we are much more than the body. There must be higher level of our persistence that we are usually not aware of it, or not in “human state” or call it “brain state”.

Endless desire for immortality of Egyptians, another life beyond the grave for Christians, reincarnation for Hinduism…and many more, are they really just pathetic attempts of bagging for life that is over? Or is it a clear message from some “collective consciousness ” that after this life the journey continues, probably into another dimension?

I surely vote for the second.