Sunday, February 21, 2010

The meaning of humans

We humans are created through step by step evolutional process as a result of the Universe self need to discover itself. We are highest form of evolution of the matter and energy so far. All through the way in development the nature put in our DNA unlimited hunger for knowledge and surrounding discoveries.

The Universe is full of violence: stars eat stars, galaxies eat galaxies, blackholes swallow everything and supernova explosions erase everything in the way. In these circumstances a small planet as Earth could be easily destroyed, but instead that we are put in safe small corner of the Universe in order to fulfill our purpose: to discover the Universe and give it “awareness”.

We live on a planet full of violence so we could understand the principles of brutal force that rules in Universe. We have strong emotions that lead us to brave fights for getting new knowledge. We have pain so we could glorify happiness to move us forward. We always ask ourselves and look for answers, and we find them. Emotions and brutal violence would be unbearable for vulnerable creatures like us, so nature decided to give us love so we could stay on.


  1. Nice thoughts! All of this fits on the experience we have contributed through the life. But, is our minde so big as this words are saying?

  2. Our small human minds made huge scientific discoveries in the Universe so far, which makes them very big!

  3. awaiting your next post :)
    very interesting

  4. i dont believe to evolution theory. a man who has born on earth and live for a while (50-70 years) cannot say how human is created, it may be only a guess.

    Beside, according to holy Quran (which is the word of God), human creation is described and specified exactly... no more references are required...

  5. With all the respect to religion...I dare to guess.

  6. Very nice :)
    Nature gave us the mind as described, so we can find whatever reason to go on. Love, accomplishment, revenge, proving something to someone.. they are all reasons, but love is the deepest one. :)
    The "meaning of humans" can sometimes be described simply as biological one, but yet that may not be the correct answer, nothing may...

  7. The deepest meaning of life is struggle to survive it...

  8. Let all respect religion: Bible or least as valuable tradition of our ancestries.

  9. There are three kind of people:
    1. Just physical being.-eating, sleeping, not working. Specialists of doing nothing and wasting time. They are not interesting for our search.
    2. Normal people-they work and love each other and invent all the things we use. Here are scientists looking toward the Stars. They are trying to understand the Universe and the laws in it. But unfortunately they will never understand them, because their minds are constrained.
    3. People touched by God- they know the Universe. They try to express it in mathematical or philosophy way. Since now, nobody succeeded in this. These people cannot explain how they see the things and the laws, that the things obey to. Such people, as to my knowledge, cannot love. Their lives are full with knoledge, fresh great ideas, but zero love.
    Love will save the World, what is I believe.
    Congratulation for Maya, for setting up this Blog.

  10. one more thing....Forget about the religion. This is the Universe-just one universal law..

  11. Very logical thoughts Maja...this makes the Universe a God...

  12. Interesting...but this makes us inferior to some superpower, I am not sure I like that. Anyway good blog, it makes you think...

  13. Yes, there is a superpower-the great creator or in “human terminology” called a God. Our purpose as mankind is to discover the “shape” or the “dimension” of this superpower. The facts exposed in my post lead to that conclusion. Discovering the Universe and give it “awareness” is still abstract to our minds, the further evolution will give absolute clarity…

  14. A friend of mine (Ivan) said...

    The post is very good as text construction, but is very subjective considering the Universe observation. I do not believe that the universe is conscious being and feels a need to discover itself. There is also subjective view of that what is violence, If we see it that way then the fusion of two hydrogen atoms to produce helium and energy is violence. I am not sure that there is safe place in the universe. Evolutionally we feel pain so we could protect ourselves from danger in order not to die before we have sex. I have remarks considering the consciousness of the universe, about which I have opposite opinion…

  15. "having the self need to discover itself" does automatically means consciousness? Yes I am subjective using term "violence" since as human I am using human terminology. I do not know how is it to be in galaxy or star shoes...
    We must be in safe place if we exist for so long with no serious danger out of the planet...
    And is it true that we have pain always as self protection?

  16. Have you ever asked yourself, if we were the highest form of evolution, creatures of reason, shouldn't we be living in Utopia?
    We are the highest form of evolution of the matter and energy as far as we know it, in terms of the Universe. There are at least thousands of planets whose citizens think they have any purpose in their life, thinking they can figure out what the Universe really is! Or not!
    I can speak only of what I can see. I have read about some publications and some thesis of how the universe was born or how this planet will die eventually, the scientists try to recreate the Big Bang, they try to predict the ending, land on the moon, explore the stars and other galaxies…And of course there are some scientists that contradict their findings.
    Our purpose is to make the most of what we can get! The world is not perfect, neither are humans…
    We can only guess!

  17. We are not highest possible form of evolution, we are highest form of evolution known to us so far...
    There are possibly thousands of other planets...very good point! We do not have exclusivity in our purpose, but so far we can speak only for ourselves.
    And yes, we can only guess at this stage of development. That is the only way to broaden our knowledge out of our experience. Immanuel Kant would surely agree.

  18. Is love the human 'identifier'? Is it what distinguish us from other life forms as we know them? ... May be not.
    We are still struggling to understand the human mind and emotions... such a non-linear web of processes... what about other 'beings' on this earth... forget the other planets for now... animals, trees... what about their 'meanings'... from THEIR view... Perhaps they have a parallel blog similar to this, with their own communication medium, discussing the same thing :) ... Very interesting topic Maja.

  19. Nice point about animals...Animals and plants are to my believe a surrounding of humans and are only one part of the evolution. Animals are typical example of violence presentation. Stronger brutally eats smaller...and nobody complains.

  20. Interesting way of looking things :)
