Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Emotions: Our Enemy or Friend

Humans on this planet are different from animals. We have much stronger emotions. In which sense our lives are better or worse? Yes we have happiness that can lift us to the stars…but there is sadness that can push us deep into tomb…

Probably there is Universe law according which intelligence goes always together with emotions. Our emotions create ethics of the way how we should use the intelligence. Imagine pure intelligence without emotions…it would be a cruel pure logic of numbers and equations. In a lack of emotions we have exactly this impression although the reality is not so bad. On the other side strong unmanageable emotions would lead our life to disaster.

The answer is in the balance…having emotions but under strong control of the intelligence. This is something in which the western civilization is improving so far. I can feel… I can be hurt… but I AM IN CONTROL. To accomplish this one must experience a lot of happiness and lot of pain in order to grow up and to learn to take control. One of the biggest satisfactions for us as human beings is when you feel strong negative emotion to say to yourself ‘I m in control, I will try to get the maximum possible positive outcome of this situation ’ and to succeed in that. Try it.

Emotional intelligence is the inevitable next step in human evolution….

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ostensible Death

The source of our thoughts is in our brain. So the center is us and our heads, everything else is around us. This creates an illusion that we are the center of the world even the center of the universe. We have needs, we must be pleased, we must have, posses, take, we must enjoy in love, we must LIVE…then suddenly out of nowhere unexpected and undesired horrible DEATH comes. How can creatures like this not be terrified of death? Philosophy of human life is the one that produces enormous fear of the death.

If we open our eyes wide we will see that a person is not so important. It is just one sample of some species called “humans” which is misled by its brain and emotions (especially its emotions) that it is most important. But here is the trap, how can something most important has an end?

First I believe that person is not most important, and we probably also exist in some higher dimension; our body is just kind of support of our existence.

Second I believe that death is not an end, there is transformation from one matter to another when person dies; death of a body or in "human terminology" a person is not most important.

If we understand this we will be more comfortable with the idea of dying, as a pass from one door to another.

Which another door? Generations will tell…..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Traveling to The Distant Stars

As would Albert Einstein said, if I could ride on electromagnetic wave….we would reach the closest star for about four years, too slow… There must be another way of traveling through three dimensional space. Or The Great Creator would just leave us to paradoxically watch the beauties of space from far? Logical? I do not think so.

If we compare the speeds of movement of humans couple of centuries ago and today, and if we assume proportional increase of that speed in future… after couple of centuries we will be very fast, but still not enough fast to conquer the Universe distances. So there must be another way, because I am sure our journey leads us to the stars, far deep to the Universe.

Transformation of matter into energy and vice versa may help…so our bodies to transfer into another space spot just in portions of a second. Maybe the help of some fifth dimension may bring us to Andromeda in a moment…

Probably the humans have just begun with the miraculous and amazing discoveries…

Friday, April 2, 2010

Journey after life

Psychiatrists say that two things terrify us: insanity and death. In these cases we are losing the control of our minds, so the mind is the one who is sending us the message of fear. Have you ever thought what the death would be if there wasn’t the fear of losing control?

Our brain is created to wonder, to seek for discoveries but not to willingly accept its death. So death is end of the brain, end of our body. All our primary memories are written in our brains so they go away with death too. But is it all? I believe we are much more than the body. There must be higher level of our persistence that we are usually not aware of it, or not in “human state” or call it “brain state”.

Endless desire for immortality of Egyptians, another life beyond the grave for Christians, reincarnation for Hinduism…and many more, are they really just pathetic attempts of bagging for life that is over? Or is it a clear message from some “collective consciousness ” that after this life the journey continues, probably into another dimension?

I surely vote for the second.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Looking for The Great Creator

We as humans have strong need to look for The Great Creator or in “human terminology” called a God. That is same as discovering the Universe. Think of electromagnetic field…you cannot explicitly see it or describe it but you can sense the effects of its existence. Electromagnetic waves spread into vacuum invisibly while transferring energy and information. We as living life form cannot detect them unless we use technical devices. In the same way we cannot perceive the actuality of The Great Creator but we can observe the effects of its existence.

The actuality of the Universe is unarguable fact of the creator’s existence. I believe we are still not at satisfactory level of evolutional development to directly detect that superpower. I believe that there are more dimensions than four in which we as humans operate and exist. New physics or parapsychology will probably lead us to next answers.

All of these are guesses. As Immanuel Kant would agree, the only way to broaden our knowledge out of our experience is to guess and suppose. That’s how we push the knowledge limit. It’s like giving a direction to science where to take over.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The meaning of humans

We humans are created through step by step evolutional process as a result of the Universe self need to discover itself. We are highest form of evolution of the matter and energy so far. All through the way in development the nature put in our DNA unlimited hunger for knowledge and surrounding discoveries.

The Universe is full of violence: stars eat stars, galaxies eat galaxies, blackholes swallow everything and supernova explosions erase everything in the way. In these circumstances a small planet as Earth could be easily destroyed, but instead that we are put in safe small corner of the Universe in order to fulfill our purpose: to discover the Universe and give it “awareness”.

We live on a planet full of violence so we could understand the principles of brutal force that rules in Universe. We have strong emotions that lead us to brave fights for getting new knowledge. We have pain so we could glorify happiness to move us forward. We always ask ourselves and look for answers, and we find them. Emotions and brutal violence would be unbearable for vulnerable creatures like us, so nature decided to give us love so we could stay on.